Thursday 22 May 2008

Champions League.

I got a mail from Sean last night saying that he would be home alone if I fancied coming over. It seems that he was wanting to watch the Champions League match between Chelsea and Manchester United. I wasn't at all bothered about the football match but I was interested in spending some more time with Sean so I agreed to go round after seven when the coast would be clear. It turned out that because Sean was hogging the TV all night Mrs Sean was going off out with her friend. She was actually still there when I arrived which worried me a little but she didn't seem bothered and said for me to go in saying that I would be lucky to get any gardening out of Sean tonight because of the football but if I was able to succeed I should tell her my secret. I hadn't gone round there expecting to get any gardening from him so I wasn't put off by her and so went through to the sitting room as instructed and sat down in a chair and chatted to Sean.
It wasn't long before she was gone and I moved over to snuggle up beside Sean on the couch. I soon lost interest in the footie and stretched out on the couch with my head on Sean's stomach and my legs hanging over the end of the couch. He played with my hair a while as I lay on my back looking up at him, it was all very relaxing. His hand eventually slipping under my top and working down to my left breast which he gently caressed. This was really nice and got me going no end. I then rolled over, I'd decided to take the plunge as soon as I got the message to call in on him, in fact I think I had decided even before that. I reach for the now obvious bulge in his trousers, I could tell he was eager for me to pleasure him by his reactions as my hand closed around the large lump. I could feel his cock was hard and fat as I felt the length of it. As I reached further I felt his balls. I had to have them in my hand so I struggled with the zipper on his trousers, he helped me a little as it was not easy lying on my side as I only really had the use of one hand. He eased his hardness out of his underpants, immedeately it sprang to attention like a snake ready to strike. I was totally excited now, almost trembling. It was there just waiting for me to grasp which I did. I could feel it pulsing as I run my hand down it feeling its smooth skin. He held my hand showing how he liked me to stroke him. I gently pulled the skin right back over its big shinny purple head. It was no more then a few centimeters from my face and it just felt so natural for me to want to put that big beautiful monster in my mouth. I'd never done anything like this before so I was afraid of doing something wrong. As I looked at it some liquid came from the little hole in the end. I put my tongue out and touched it. His cock jumped at the touch of my tongue and I was surprised how I enjoyed the taste. I thought coming from where it did it would be gross but it was nice and I wanted more, I also wanted to give Sean even more pleasure. I could tell by the way he was moving, he seemed all tense now, that he was enjoying it. I Opened my mouth a little and sort of sucked the end in to me as if sucking on a lollipop. It slid easily in to my mouth, and what a mouth full it was too. I then let it slide out again and then back in. I was enjoying the feeling of it sliding in and out. I could now taste much more of the liquid. I experimented by making it go further and further in to my mouth until eventually it was going right to the back of my throat. At this point I felt Sean put his hand on the back of my head, I also heard him say something but didn't catch what it was as I was a bit paniced because I couldn't release his cock anymore. It was in the back of my throat and I could feel it like jumping in my mouth like it was alive. I remember it seemed to fill my mouth even more and I couldn't stop myself from sucking it in to me and then all of a sudden Sean went ridged and there was this massive burst of fluid in my mouth, I thought at first he was pissing and I was getting freaked. I couldn't help but swallow some of the fluid which I realized must be his cum. It was coming in spurts, hitting me with some force in the back of my throat. My head wasn't really being forced down on to his cock, more in to his belly but his hips were moving which was forcing his cock to slip back and forth in my mouth as he spurted and spurted until finally he was just pumping and nothing was left to enter me. He then released his grip on me and I was able to remove his cock from me. He apologised later saying he didn't want to force me to take it like that but he just couldn't help himself. I didn't mind, it was just a bit scary cos I hadn't done anything like that before and it felt like I was going to choke sometimes. It was sort of nice being so filled up like that and in such a violent manner. His cum had burst out of my mouth and run down my cheek. He licked it up with his tongue and moved on to my mouth and we kissed and his tongue was in my mouth now licking around in all the left over cum. He asked me to lick his cock clean and put it away just in case his wife came back.

Sunday 18 May 2008

Church Can Be Fun.

This morning we had church, not a lot usually happens there, the most exciting thing is when someone falls asleep which isn't usually very exciting until they shout out or start snoring, that's funny. I guess church isn't meant to be funny though. We take Mr Neil from next door with us, I wouldn't mention this except today something happened. Because we bring him back with us and he is church warden or something like that which means he has to put everything back and see things are okay me and mum give him a hand, except today mum went off talking, come to think of it she goes off talking most weeks. Anyway I was putting the books back on the shelf and as I stood up and turned round Mr Neil was standing behind me with another pile. Now you get to know when a guy is paying attention to his job or whether he is focused on something else because there is this like delay, then suddenly he kicks in to gear. Normally I don't bother, you sort of expect it anyway but what with things happening in the trouser department with Sean and the stimulation of the extra fingering sessions because of this, and also because I'm in a devil mood at the moment, not good for church going I know. Anyway in a voice low enough for him to hear but no one else I asked, "did you like what you saw?", and quickly took the books he was holding and made an extra special effort at bending over to put them back on the shelf before standing to face him with a big smile on my face. So far he hadn't said a word and it didn't look like he was about to speak again anytime soon. He had the sort of look on his face that my dog has when he's watching you prepare his dinner. Like vacant with drool hanging from his mouth. I think he did like it but as there didn't seem to be any more books forth coming and didn't look like there would be for some time I cleared off to find mum who was chatting up the vicar by the war memorial. It was some time before Mr Neil came out of the church, I noticed his knuckles were white as his hand gripped his stick, walking stick that is. Goodness knows what he'd been doing all this time. There was of course nothing said about it on the way home and he seemed fully recovered from what had afflicted him in church, he just chattered away to mum about the new owners of the pub and how certain people seem to be taking over the village, I sat there wondering if to wear a skirt next week and if so how short would be proper for a church service?

Saturday 17 May 2008

A Night Out.

Last night we all went out to the golf club for dinner, this was a treat from uncle Charles. I wasn't wanting to go really as I don't really like that sort of thing much, I'm sure you all know where I would rather have been but anyway that didn't happen. When I say we had dinner at the golf club, don't think it was anything fancy, they have a bar there that does food for anyone, a bit like a pub really. It was okay as it turned out, I had fish and chips with peas and salad which was nice. Since I asked uncle to take a picture of me for my friend the other night he seems to have got a taste for photography as you will see below. I'm not sure whether to develope this interest further or not.

Today, so far I haven't done much, just answered a few mails - or even males as I haven't had any females write me yet. I thought I might have heard from Sean today. Before I left the other night we swapped email addresses, I wrote him earlier but haven't heard back yet so maybe he has had to take Mrs Sean shopping or something.

I had an awesome fingering session or two on the strength of what happened the other night, I can't wait to get my hands on his big fat gun, I hope I don't go and mess up, although thinking about that maybe the idea is to mess up. I wonder what I should do with it? Will I be expected to catch it as Sean did? See what I mean I'm sure to cock it up and make a fool of myself - I just know it.

Friday 16 May 2008

Sean's Shed

Last night I finally got up the courage to pay Sean another visit. It was no good I just couldn't settle to anything the way I was feeling, I just couldn't stop thinking about him and his invitation for a second encounter. So after tea I told my parents I was off round to see my friend - I didn't bother to tell them which one and they never asked so I didn't have to lie about anything. I nearly turned back a couple of times but in the end I stuck to it although I may not have done had he not been out the front of his house washing his car. He spotted me instantly so there was no turning back. He was very pleased to see me and asked where I was off too, not being one to miss a chance to play hard to get I said I was just going round to see my friend. It wasn't the best thing to say but I sort of thought it might be better if I didn't appear too keen. I hung around talking as he finished off the car and then I helped him put the car washing stuff away. He then put the car in the garage and closed the door and ask if I intended popping by again sometime and help in the garden. I suddenly felt flat, I'd obviously played it too cool and now my chance was slipping away from me. I asked when was a good time, I was trying to show some enthusiasm. He said that anytime would be a good time when he was home as he was usually in the garden doing something anyway. So I said that I could spare half an hour now if he wanted. A big smile spread arcoss his face and went on to say that would be great. "You can help me do the watering", he said. As we went round the back I could see his wife in teh kitchen so I gave her a wave and she gave one back in return. Sean handed me a watering can and said to fill it out of a water barrel by the shed wall. There was no mention or repeat of the other night, I was beginning to think nothing was going to happen except gardening. Then when we got done watering he went and unlocked the door to his shed. It was bigger than your ordinary wooden garden shed although it was full of the same sort of stuff and very untidy, I told him so too and added that I could help him tidy it up sometime if he wanted. He seemed to think it was about time but that he never felt like it but if I was there helping him it might be more enjoyable. The shed was 'L' shaped, one half being full of garden stuff as I said and round the corner was like a little den, there was a table and two wooden bar stools and in the far wall there was a fire place with like a grill built in to it, apparenlty he used this when they had a BBQ. The table was full of seed trays and plant pots and lots of other rubbish. In the corner there was an armchair, again this was piled up with stuff.

He said, "This is where I come when the misus kicks me out". I joked with him saying that by the looks of things that wasn't very often.

He laughed and said, "I would be in here tonight if she knew what I was thinking right now".

I knew there was something going down but I asked all the same, "and what would that be?"

"You're so hot babe I just want to wank in front of you right here and now".

Even though I could feel a flush coming on there was no point in messing around now, after all this is what I'd really come for wasn't it. So I told him ok, as long as that was all he wanted. He told me to go and check to make sure there was no one around so I went out to the corner by the greenhouse and had a quick look and everything was okay, no wife or uncle Charles paying a visit. I was a bit disappointed when I got back and found him with his back against the table cock already in hand, I told him he should have waited cos I wanted to see it grow like the other night. He just laughed and told me to sit on one of the stools in front of him so I can see because next time I have to do it for him. I liked the bit where he pulled the skin back and a big shiny purple end popped out. I also liked the look on his face as he was stroking himself. I wanted to have a go now never mind about waiting until next time but I didn't, I just sat there with him looking at me. He was getting faster and faster until he let out a groan and said, "this is for you my sexy bitch". I watched as cum spurted out towards me, he caught most of it in his hand, any that escaped landed in white/grey lumps on the shed floor. I was busting to finger myself off, I could feel my panties sticking to me as I moved on the stool. He asked if I enjoyed that. I made it very clear that I did and asked if I could feel his cum. He held out his hand and I dipped a finger in it, it felt much as I expected, every slippery to the touch. He put his cock away after wiping his hand on a piece of wrag. He asked if I was up for some more fun sometime. Well there was no denying it anymore, I was up for loads and loads more fun, who cares if he's old enough to be my grandpa.

Tuesday 13 May 2008


I've started to write this a couple of times but scrapped it unsure whether I should but I guess if I'm being honest I have too so here goes.
On Sunday after church we all went for a run out ending up at the reservoir where we had drinks and an ice cream, after which we came home and had tea. It was during tea that uncle Charles said that he was taking a walk over to the village to see his mate Sean. Being away for a while they had some catching up to do. He asked if anyone wanted a walk over with him and maybe have a drink down the pub. It was decided that we would all go as it was a nice evening so we could sit outside. We called in for Sean and his wife who seemed pleased to see us all. We had a good time, especially uncle and Sean. At one point it came out that I was going to studying horticulture next year and it turned out that Sean is a very keen gardener and insisted that I pop in and take a look round his garden sometime and it all came about that now was as good a time as any so me and uncle Charles went back with Sean and his wife to take a look round his garden. His wife left us when we got to his home saying she would put the kettle on, uncle tagged along but he wasn't really interested and then when we were in the greenhouse his phone rang but he couldn't hear whoever it was so he went off to find a better signal to try and call them back. So I was left alone listening to Sean explain about how different plants require different fertilisers, he was quite interesting actually and I was trying to take in as much as I could. We left the greenhouse to go and see where uncle Charles had got too, we spotted him down the other end of the garden. Sean then surprised me by stating that he needed to pee and to keep a look out. We were by what he called his potting shed, it's an L shaped brick building, at one end of the L was a high wall joining on to the shed which makes like the shape of a letter U and then along the top of the U is the greenhouse so what you get is small enclosed yard where he has his compost bins and other gardening stuff. I stood at the end of the wall while he went in to one corner of the yard and stood with is back to me. I wasn't really shocked or anything, just a bit surprised. I was leaning against the wall wondering what I was supposed to be looking out for, I mean by rights I was the sort of person someone else should be looking out for, it was like having the prisoners guard the prison. I heard him stop peeing and half turned towards him. I wasn't really wanting to take a look or anything. It was a bit like when there is something dead by the side of the road, you don't want to look at it but you can't help doing. Of course the second I turned so did Sean. I don't know why he turned, whether he thought I wouldn't be looking or was round the corner I don't know but he did and there he was still shaking his cock. There was no hiding the fact that I'd seen it because he was looking right at me only about 5 metres away. He didn't seem right bothered, he just stood there with it in his left hand, I didn't know what to say. I felt I should turn and run like what I was seeing was wrong which I suppose it was a little but on the other hand I was mesmerised by it. He asked if I wanted to give it a shake for him. I knew I should run screaming to uncle Charles who I had completely forgotten about by now but I was like rooted to the ground and worse still I didn't want to run! I can't properly remember what I said exactly but it was something like, "Some other time, maybe - thanks". I did want to shake it but I didn't know if I could, I needed to think. I'm not sure why I said thanks as it was obvious by now that the pleasure was as much his as mine. I was both relieved and disappointed as I watched him struggling to get it back in his trousers, I also felt quite flushed. We went to look for uncle who we found still down the end of the garden. I think Sean realised what he just did and was a little worried because he started to apologise as we crossed the lawn. I told him is was okay and that it was my own fault for looking in the first place. This seemed to settle him because he then asked if I liked what I'd seen, I couldn't deny that I had and told him it looked ok but I was no judge on the matter. He laughed and then asked if I'd stop by sometime as he would really like a nice friend like me. This seemed a bit strange considering he must be at least 50, I think he knew what I was thinking because he quickly went on to say that he wouldn't do anything to me again and that it would be nice just to have my company in the garden. I didn't have the chance then to say anything as uncle was coming over and we all went in the house. He did say as we were leaving that is I wanted I could come on over and give him a hand in the garden, uncle seemed to think this would be a good idea, I didn't think this was likely but it's now three days since and I'm still thinking about it and more to the point it excites me for some reason. I'm not sure what to do, I know I shouldn't, but on the other hand...

Sunday 11 May 2008

A Quiet Sunday.

I didn't get to post anything yesterday as we had to go and pick up uncle Charles from the airport which by the time we travelled there, picked him up and had something to eat and travelled home the day was gone. We also took the chance to have a look round town whilst we were near by.

Today it was church as usual and nobody does much round here on Sunday at the best of times, I think we're going to take uncle out later as its a nice day.

Friday 9 May 2008

A Womans Place.

After my baking day yesterday someone wrote me to say that they were pleased to see a woman hard at work in the kitchen. I was a little put out at first until I noticed that the writer was a woman. She went on to tell me about the things she enjoyed making use of in the kitchen and I have to say that I now see it in a new light. I know about the thing with the washing machine and have had a go but ours is under the work top so its not possible to actually sit on it. Anyway she suggested I take a close look at what we have in our kitchen and maybe try a few things to pleasure myself and this is what I did this morning when I had the place to myself. The OLD salt pot was nothing special, no better then a finger or two, The soup thingy had plenty of reach if you needed it but it was cumbersome and like the salt pot nothing special unless you wanted deep comfort. The dog comb was good with its nobbly handle but it was a bit thin. The thing to get me off though was the pizza cutter, it was quite a nice size and after the dog comb I was getting ready for cumming. So, if you ever get invited round to our house for dinner you might be well advised to think twice.

This afternoon I've been helping mum get the spare room ready for uncle Charles. He has been away in Japan for 3 years but is coming home to live. He has his own place in the village but someone is living in it so until their contract runs out he is going to be staying here, I'm not sure how long that will be. We have to go and fetch him from the airport in the morning so that will be fun.

Thursday 8 May 2008

Baking Day.

Hello everyone.

Today I've been doing some baking. I like baking and it seems people like to eat what I bake. In fact usually I hardly get to have any of it myself LOL!

Would anyone like to taste one of my buns?

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Lose End.

I've just about finished school now and at a bit of a lose end for a while at least so I'm going to give this blog thingy a go. It will probably be pretty boring as not much happens around here. Today is another nice day so I was busy sunbathing in the garden, unfortunately I have to take some stuff in to school now.