Friday 16 May 2008

Sean's Shed

Last night I finally got up the courage to pay Sean another visit. It was no good I just couldn't settle to anything the way I was feeling, I just couldn't stop thinking about him and his invitation for a second encounter. So after tea I told my parents I was off round to see my friend - I didn't bother to tell them which one and they never asked so I didn't have to lie about anything. I nearly turned back a couple of times but in the end I stuck to it although I may not have done had he not been out the front of his house washing his car. He spotted me instantly so there was no turning back. He was very pleased to see me and asked where I was off too, not being one to miss a chance to play hard to get I said I was just going round to see my friend. It wasn't the best thing to say but I sort of thought it might be better if I didn't appear too keen. I hung around talking as he finished off the car and then I helped him put the car washing stuff away. He then put the car in the garage and closed the door and ask if I intended popping by again sometime and help in the garden. I suddenly felt flat, I'd obviously played it too cool and now my chance was slipping away from me. I asked when was a good time, I was trying to show some enthusiasm. He said that anytime would be a good time when he was home as he was usually in the garden doing something anyway. So I said that I could spare half an hour now if he wanted. A big smile spread arcoss his face and went on to say that would be great. "You can help me do the watering", he said. As we went round the back I could see his wife in teh kitchen so I gave her a wave and she gave one back in return. Sean handed me a watering can and said to fill it out of a water barrel by the shed wall. There was no mention or repeat of the other night, I was beginning to think nothing was going to happen except gardening. Then when we got done watering he went and unlocked the door to his shed. It was bigger than your ordinary wooden garden shed although it was full of the same sort of stuff and very untidy, I told him so too and added that I could help him tidy it up sometime if he wanted. He seemed to think it was about time but that he never felt like it but if I was there helping him it might be more enjoyable. The shed was 'L' shaped, one half being full of garden stuff as I said and round the corner was like a little den, there was a table and two wooden bar stools and in the far wall there was a fire place with like a grill built in to it, apparenlty he used this when they had a BBQ. The table was full of seed trays and plant pots and lots of other rubbish. In the corner there was an armchair, again this was piled up with stuff.

He said, "This is where I come when the misus kicks me out". I joked with him saying that by the looks of things that wasn't very often.

He laughed and said, "I would be in here tonight if she knew what I was thinking right now".

I knew there was something going down but I asked all the same, "and what would that be?"

"You're so hot babe I just want to wank in front of you right here and now".

Even though I could feel a flush coming on there was no point in messing around now, after all this is what I'd really come for wasn't it. So I told him ok, as long as that was all he wanted. He told me to go and check to make sure there was no one around so I went out to the corner by the greenhouse and had a quick look and everything was okay, no wife or uncle Charles paying a visit. I was a bit disappointed when I got back and found him with his back against the table cock already in hand, I told him he should have waited cos I wanted to see it grow like the other night. He just laughed and told me to sit on one of the stools in front of him so I can see because next time I have to do it for him. I liked the bit where he pulled the skin back and a big shiny purple end popped out. I also liked the look on his face as he was stroking himself. I wanted to have a go now never mind about waiting until next time but I didn't, I just sat there with him looking at me. He was getting faster and faster until he let out a groan and said, "this is for you my sexy bitch". I watched as cum spurted out towards me, he caught most of it in his hand, any that escaped landed in white/grey lumps on the shed floor. I was busting to finger myself off, I could feel my panties sticking to me as I moved on the stool. He asked if I enjoyed that. I made it very clear that I did and asked if I could feel his cum. He held out his hand and I dipped a finger in it, it felt much as I expected, every slippery to the touch. He put his cock away after wiping his hand on a piece of wrag. He asked if I was up for some more fun sometime. Well there was no denying it anymore, I was up for loads and loads more fun, who cares if he's old enough to be my grandpa.


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