Tuesday 13 May 2008


I've started to write this a couple of times but scrapped it unsure whether I should but I guess if I'm being honest I have too so here goes.
On Sunday after church we all went for a run out ending up at the reservoir where we had drinks and an ice cream, after which we came home and had tea. It was during tea that uncle Charles said that he was taking a walk over to the village to see his mate Sean. Being away for a while they had some catching up to do. He asked if anyone wanted a walk over with him and maybe have a drink down the pub. It was decided that we would all go as it was a nice evening so we could sit outside. We called in for Sean and his wife who seemed pleased to see us all. We had a good time, especially uncle and Sean. At one point it came out that I was going to studying horticulture next year and it turned out that Sean is a very keen gardener and insisted that I pop in and take a look round his garden sometime and it all came about that now was as good a time as any so me and uncle Charles went back with Sean and his wife to take a look round his garden. His wife left us when we got to his home saying she would put the kettle on, uncle tagged along but he wasn't really interested and then when we were in the greenhouse his phone rang but he couldn't hear whoever it was so he went off to find a better signal to try and call them back. So I was left alone listening to Sean explain about how different plants require different fertilisers, he was quite interesting actually and I was trying to take in as much as I could. We left the greenhouse to go and see where uncle Charles had got too, we spotted him down the other end of the garden. Sean then surprised me by stating that he needed to pee and to keep a look out. We were by what he called his potting shed, it's an L shaped brick building, at one end of the L was a high wall joining on to the shed which makes like the shape of a letter U and then along the top of the U is the greenhouse so what you get is small enclosed yard where he has his compost bins and other gardening stuff. I stood at the end of the wall while he went in to one corner of the yard and stood with is back to me. I wasn't really shocked or anything, just a bit surprised. I was leaning against the wall wondering what I was supposed to be looking out for, I mean by rights I was the sort of person someone else should be looking out for, it was like having the prisoners guard the prison. I heard him stop peeing and half turned towards him. I wasn't really wanting to take a look or anything. It was a bit like when there is something dead by the side of the road, you don't want to look at it but you can't help doing. Of course the second I turned so did Sean. I don't know why he turned, whether he thought I wouldn't be looking or was round the corner I don't know but he did and there he was still shaking his cock. There was no hiding the fact that I'd seen it because he was looking right at me only about 5 metres away. He didn't seem right bothered, he just stood there with it in his left hand, I didn't know what to say. I felt I should turn and run like what I was seeing was wrong which I suppose it was a little but on the other hand I was mesmerised by it. He asked if I wanted to give it a shake for him. I knew I should run screaming to uncle Charles who I had completely forgotten about by now but I was like rooted to the ground and worse still I didn't want to run! I can't properly remember what I said exactly but it was something like, "Some other time, maybe - thanks". I did want to shake it but I didn't know if I could, I needed to think. I'm not sure why I said thanks as it was obvious by now that the pleasure was as much his as mine. I was both relieved and disappointed as I watched him struggling to get it back in his trousers, I also felt quite flushed. We went to look for uncle who we found still down the end of the garden. I think Sean realised what he just did and was a little worried because he started to apologise as we crossed the lawn. I told him is was okay and that it was my own fault for looking in the first place. This seemed to settle him because he then asked if I liked what I'd seen, I couldn't deny that I had and told him it looked ok but I was no judge on the matter. He laughed and then asked if I'd stop by sometime as he would really like a nice friend like me. This seemed a bit strange considering he must be at least 50, I think he knew what I was thinking because he quickly went on to say that he wouldn't do anything to me again and that it would be nice just to have my company in the garden. I didn't have the chance then to say anything as uncle was coming over and we all went in the house. He did say as we were leaving that is I wanted I could come on over and give him a hand in the garden, uncle seemed to think this would be a good idea, I didn't think this was likely but it's now three days since and I'm still thinking about it and more to the point it excites me for some reason. I'm not sure what to do, I know I shouldn't, but on the other hand...


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